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Polina Mikhailina

Important SEO Trends in 2019: Using a Voice Search

In the modern world technology comes to help us with any questions - Hey, Siri, what is the best restaurant in Lisbon? - OK Google, is it open right now? Today a little talk with a mobile assistant doesn’t cause anyone to be surprised.

Voice search systems are becoming an integral part of our life that we don’t drop our eyelids when we see someone talking to their mobile friends. So, companies that want be competitive in the market, need to follow new consumer’s behavior trends.

In this blog post, we will identify why it is so important to pay attention to this feature in SEO strategy. Also, we will identify some tips for optimization of voice commands that you the need to know to succeed in a SEO world.

Voice Search as a part of everyday life

1.Non-visible digital assistants

Since the appearance of the first voice assistant Siri produced by Apple in 2010, voice assistants have developed rapidly. Now smart assistants have been able to understand the behavior and intentions of users with available data and information to help consumers more efficiently. Questions and comparisons instantly processed by our digital assistants such as Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Alexa, etc. Besides, several digital helpers are well integrated into consumer products that are part of our everyday life. For example, Microsoft has integrated Cortana into Windows 10 to power text and voice search on all devices.

2. Smart search assistants will take care of you

Recently Google established a report about a new feature of Google Assistant. Now Google Assistant can help you not only cope with the choice of clothes suitable for today weather, but also take care of your safety. Google Assistant on Nest Guard can help you secure your home and plan your day in several ways. First of all, it is possible to find out information in real time, for example about your flight. Also, with the help of an assistant, you can start all processes at smart home : turn off the lights, and even lock the house. Finally, the Google Assistant will help people not to forget about the meeting and the planned purchases (“Hello, Google, add the paste to the list of my purchases”).

Voice Search Statistics

72% of people out of the total number of people are aware of the voice products use regularly voice searches.

Q:Have you spoken to or issued commands to any of the following technology devices? Source: PwS Consumer Intelligence Series voice assistants survey, 2018

Besides, more than half of U.S. millennials and 61% of adults are tend to use voice search on a daily routine more in the future.

Q. I use my voice assistant...compared to when I first started. I think I will use my voice assistant the future. Source: PwS Consumer Intelligence Series voice assistants survey, 2018

Voice Search for Local Business Study 2018, 76% of respondents use smart speakers for local search at least weekly and 53% search every day

Why people use voice search?

1.Make our daily routine easier

Without any doubts voice assistants make or life easier, especially daily routine. 55% Americans confirmed this fact (PWS). In most cases voice-activated speakers are located at the center of the home where everyone has an access to them.

2.More people are multitasking and do several things at once.

Voice-activated speaker owners say that talking to their virtual assistant helps them get things done quickly and efficiently,rather than having to type . And that means more multitasking.

3.Voice search assistants save our time

Nowadays we can instantly get necessary information. More then 50% respondents of PWS research marked this criteria. Voice search are 3 times faster than traditional typing search. There is nothing surprising in the fact that people prefer voice search in favor of speed in order to get a quick answer.

4.Voice-activated speakers are our digital friends.

Sara Kleinberg, Head of Ads Research and Insights at Google claims that our personal voice assistants are becoming our friends. People are social beings and very often we prefer to communicate with somebody and to turn to someone for help.

Tips for Optimization a Voice Search

1. More conversational

Firstly, it is necessary to underline that SEO of a traditional site and SEO voice search are different. Voice search consists of questions, comparisons, etc. According to Google Statistics, 70% of requests using google assistant are conversational requests. Voice search is still very different from how users interact with the text search window. To compete for voice search results, websites need to focus on writing content colloquially.

For instance, if users want to find a good business university in Spain, they may type “top business universities in Spain 2019” . But if they use voice search, a user might ask “Which are the best top universities in Spain?”. So, it is better to emphasize on natural language in search engine, not typical keywords requests in a web search.

2.Explore question-based queries

It is a remarkable thing that voice searches are mostly used as a question form. It’s extremely important to learn how your audience speaks about your products and services based on anticipated context. You can use Topic Research tool from SEMrush to get an idea of the most popular search terms, to find questions, references content and to drive high-quality qualified traffic.

3. Pay attention to featured snippets and mobile optimization

Oleg Shchegolev, CEO and Co-founder of SEMrush in one of the interview underlined that such tools as featured snippet checks and mobile devices optimization will help to find solutions for voice search optimization. Featured snippets make up a large percentage of voice search. In desktop search listings featured snippets appear after the paid ads but before the regular search listings.

Gabriel Shaoolian gives an advice to include a concise summary of the main content above the fold under 29 words in order to optimize a content for an identifiable featured snippet.

Also, remember that a majority of searches actually come from mobile devices.

The share of voice searches is growing, along with the amount of voice-activated smart speakers. Oleg Shchegolev

So, nowadays voice search is the third most important ranking signal, behind content and links. And according to the ComScore report dependency on this technology will only increase and a half of all searches will use voice search by 2020.

We hope that the new SEMrush Voice Search Optimization Tools will help you . We’d love to get your feedback! Please feel free to leave me comments below!

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