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My Patagonia Story: Interview

We at IMPACT had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Jenifer Lee, a great supporter of Patagonia. We discussed her passion for sustainability and why she has become an advocate for Patagonia.

Q: Where did your passion for sustainability come from?

A: It all started when I started going camping and hiking. As cliche as it may sound, when you start to spend time with nature and you see how beautiful, yet fragile it is, you want to do anything in your power to protect it. It made me sick to think that my grandchildren one day might not be able to experience nature the way that I have because of my own over consumption. My passion for sustainability is really just my effort to make sure that I can pass on what I've experienced to others.

Q: What was it about Patagonia that really drew you in?

A: If I'm being honest, at first I just shopped there because everyone told me it had the best quality camping gear. But when I started to look into it, the high quality products was the reason they are so sustainable. With warranties, repair services and recycled materials, Patagonia makes sure that you are satisfied the first time. I found that before, I was buying new backpacks constantly because they just couldn't handle the outdoors. But with Patagonia, the one I was enough and has lasted me years. So in a sense, the company has actually saved me money in the long run!

Q: What are some other ways that you remain sustainable and ethical in your life?

A: I try to bike or walk as much as possible. I'm lucky that I live downtown where everything is in walking distance and the transportation system is pretty good if I need to go somewhere further. It's important to try to reduce as much as possible when it comes to carbon emissions. Not to mention it's a great way to sneak some exercise in during the day.

Q: What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome when you started your sustainable and ethical journey?

A: I think the hardest part was acknowledging that I was not living as ethically as I thought I did. This took a lot of reflection for me to come to this realization. But once I swallowed my pride I needed to really think about what I valued and what mattered most to me. For example, I love cooking, but I realized that I was not getting my ingredients from ethically sourced producers. So after hours of research, I have found a way to keep my passion alive, without negatively impacting the environment or well-being of others. I've started going to farmers' markets, which has become my favourite weekend activity, and I've started buying more of my foods in bulk.

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